Before you listen, just take a moment to think about how sight works: light comes out of the sun, bounces off of a tree (or whatever), goes inside of your head, and hits some nerves which send signals to your brain which turns that into an image of a tree (or whatever)! I wouldn't believe it if I weren't looking at this screen and typing these words right now!
Before you listen, just take a moment to think about how sight works: Light comes out of the sun, bounces off of a tree (or whatever), goes inside of your head, and hits some nerves which send signals to your brain which turns that into an image of a tree (or whatever)... I wouldn't believe it if I weren't looking at this screen and typing these words right now!
Also, what better medium to talk about seeing stuff than a podcast!
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[Trivia Question]
Colossal squid eye size
[Fact Off]
Climbing vine can mimic plastic plant leaves
Ogre-faced spider eye membrane regeneration
[Ask the Science Couch]
Human visible spectrum & eye evolution
[Butt One More Thing]
Tadpole butt eye transplant